Wall Street on
your wrist.


Founded 2019

Located Adelaide



With a focus on Bitcoin and crypto markets, Gathr’s mission is to give users access to tools that are normally only accessible by hedge funds and investment banks. Unlike other products on the market, Gathr provides more than just trading signals. Designed to drown out the noise and simplify the impossible complexity of trading, Gathr offers a simple binary signal - buy or sell.

Built on top of a powerful trading and simulation engine that utilises machine learning and econometrics, the bot automates a strategy that removes the many pitfalls of amateur (and quite a few professional) traders. The bot trades on your behalf removing emotion and stress around decision-making and avoiding the always-on monitoring that leads to lost sleep when tracking charts 24 hours a day.

Central to Gathr is a smartphone application that allows easy access to the algorithmically trading wallet as well as additional wallets allowing the ability to store, send and receive cryptocurrencies.

This project is still in stealth mode but more details will be released soon.


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